Paper Treatments and Techniques

Broken paper is created by crumpling/un-crumpling paper numerous times to break the fibers. Paint is then applied from the back side and allowed to bleed through where the paper has been broken. After the paint dries, a wash can be added to the front.

Rubbing Texture paper is created by painting while the paper is on a textured surface. Pressure applied to the paper while the paint is wet transfers the pattern.

Crumple pattern paper is created by crumpling a paper, spreading it out, bur leaving it somewhat crumpled, painting the surface, and then lightly pressing the paper ( and then removing) to be dyed to this surface.

Acrylic paint is thinned with rubbing alcohol, windshield washer fluid (the cheapest), or commercial thinners (the most expensive).

Re-purposed paper, by my definition, has to be salvaged at no cost.